The best bang for your borrowed buck
At Creditnews, we believe debt doesn’t always have to be a burden. When tapped wisely, it’s a powerful resource that can fast-track every step of your financial journey.
Our vision
A world where debt serves people
Our mission
Help you get the best bang for your borrowed buck
Our analysts cited by
Your credit concierge
From personal debt strategies to policy developments, our straightforward, jargon-free language breaks down credit products and trends for readers from all walks of life and in every financial position.
Whether you're trying to get out of a credit bind or snag the best mortgage terms for that dream house, you can rest assured Creditnews has got your back through every debt dilemma.
Highest reporting standards

At Creditnews, we stand by an uncompromising commitment to provide objective, inclusive, and—just as important—actionable research on credit markets and products.

Our integrity is not for sale

One of Creditnews’s core values is editorial integrity. 

We are an independent research house with no partisan affiliations. And although we are for-profit, we are fiercely transparent about how and where we make money. 

Unless clearly labeled otherwise, our reports, recommendations, rankings, and other editorial content are free of advertising or any influence from credit entities, including our business partners.

Meet our team

Dan Runkevicius
Dan Runkevicius

Chief Editor

Sam Bourgi
Sam Bourgi

Senior Analyst

Deividas Dargis
Deividas Dargis

Senior Communications Manager

Lesley Dahl
Lesley Dahl

Senior Editor